Friday, June 13, 2008

Is Censorship of the Internet here already?

The New York Times rejected a post that I tried to make in reaction to one of their editorials regarding the recent Supreme Court decision to allow the Guantanemo detainees the constitutional right of habeas corpus. Consequently I have decided to post my censored NYT blog entry here.

Maybe it is for the best if it causes me to start posting my ideas again, after two years of silence on this blog.

When commercial sites institute blogs, they are trying to cash in on the participation and range of expression of readers, but they don't really want all opinions, just a representative sample. Either my views are thought to be too subversive, or too conventional! Now you decide.

Here's the rejected post:

June 13th, 2008 1:48 pm

I was so relieved to read of this decision, and thank you for this editorial that points out how important the decision was. It's amazing to me that in the United States, we could have such a draconian suppression of human rights.... picking people up on the field, herding them into confinement, and never allowing them to present evidence that they are innocent. And these conservative justices think it should be OK to try them without due process! The idea that allowing detainees to have their day in court threatens our safety is indicative of the deep seated fear of conservatives that the improper methods of the Bush administration will be exposed to the populace, but the irony is that President Bush apparently sees the U.S. Judicial system as an enemy of justice, rather than an ally in the so-called "War on Terrorism." Like the "War on Drugs" that came before it, this war on terrorism has real casualties, and many of them are innocent people who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If President Bush were on the right side of the law here, he would not fear the prospect of giving the accused their fair day in court. Anything less truly is tyranny.

— Glendon Gross, Tucson, AZ

Here is a link to the original blog:

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